Your contribution


The Spine Foundation is dedicated to making quality spinal care accessible to all. The spine foundation has embarked on a journey of hope and empowerment, to create a world where everyone can enjoy a pain-free, vibrant life. Our journey towards accessible spinal care is incomplete with your invaluable contribution. Together, we can advance spine care and improve the quality of life for countless individuals.


Platinum Donor

(Over Rs 100,000)

Gold Donor

(Over Rs 50,000)

Silver Donor

(Over Rs 25,000)

Support the change

Sponsor a Spine Surgery

Basic Spine Surgery: RS 20,000

Advanced Spine Surgery: RS 52,000

Complex Spine Surgery: RS 84,000

Sponsor an Anaesthetist

Full-time anaesthetist: Rs 4,20,000 per year

Anaesthesia charges per case: Rs 3,000/-

Sponsor a Physician

Rs 6,00,000/- per year

Sponsor Special Tests

MRI: Rs 4,000/-

Sponsor Our Equipment Needs

Support Patient Rehabilitation


You can also volunteer to contribute to our cause and help people regain their lives.

Contribute in this journey of hope and empowerment and help millions restore their lives. Your support plays a crucial role in our mission- accessible spine care for all. We appreciate your contribution, it is a step forward towards a brighter future.