Success Stories

The Spine Foundation’s success lies in the betterment of its patients. Our dedication to improving the lives of individuals facing spine-related challenges is at the heart of everything we do. Here, we celebrate the positive impact of our work in the field of spine care. Dive into the narratives of individuals who have embarked on a journey of transformation through our spine care programs.

These are more than just tales of success; they are narratives of strength, resilience, and empowerment. As you delve into our Success Stories page, you’ll discover the extraordinary journeys that go beyond achievement, showcasing the remarkable human spirit and the transformative impact of our work.These inspiring stories fuels our determination to work even harder, to reach out to more people, and help them reclaim their lives.

Stories Of Transformation

Our 1000th patient

Savita Shashikant Remje, a resilient woman from the quaint village of Ainekher near Chiplun, faced adversity from a young age.Despite her illiteracy, she took on manual jobs like cleaning yards, gathering cashew nuts, and weeding to make ends meet. She endured excruciating pain in her left leg but continued working as she couldn’t afford to rest. Eventually, the pain became unbearable, and she relied on a walking stick.

After two years, she was bedridden, immobilized by her agony. Fate intervened when Sushant, now working at VN Desai Hospital with the Spine Foundation, sought help for his mother. The compassionate doctors at the foundation immediately offered assistance.Savita Remje’s story took an extraordinary turn when she became the 1000th patient scheduled for free surgery by the Spine Foundation at VN Desai Hospital. Savita Shashikant Remje’s transformation from a woman in pain to a symbol of strength is a true success story, one that inspires us all.

Pediatric Miracle

Atharva Mangave, a resilient soul hailing from Narsobawadi, located 50km east of Kolhapur in Maharashtra.

Atharva’s journey began with a congenital anterior chest wall defect, a challenging condition that not only impacted his spine but also compromised his lung capacity, making him vulnerable to frequent infections that took a toll on his health. The complexity of his condition meant that there was no one-shot solution to stabilize his spine. The medical team’s ingenious approach involved the strategic placement of growth rods to support his spinal column and lungs, all while ensuring proper spinal alignment.

Atharva’s resilience shone brightly as he continued to visit the hospital regularly, every six months until the age of seven and then once a year until he turned eleven. Dr. Abhay Nene, the head of our Paediatric Spine Unit at Wadia, have not only mended Atharva’s body but also sowed the seeds of hope in his heart.

Overcoming Paraplegia.

In 2018, Neeraj Tiwari’s life took a drastic turn due to an accident resulting in a fractured spine and spinal cord damage. After surgery at a local hospital, he faced complete loss of motor control in his lower limbs and sensory deprivation. Due to financial constraints, Neeraj was transferred to VN Desai Hospital for rehabilitation. The Spine Foundation’s Rehab Team, led by Dr. Gaurish Kenkre, set daily goals, working relentlessly on trunk control, balance, and upper body strength. Their efforts paid off when Neeraj achieved the milestone of sitting independently and regaining control over most daily activities.

Through various techniques and equipment, including splints and suspension, Neeraj progressed from standing with support to learning to walk again. His muscle strength improved from 0/5 to 3/5, and he transitioned from complete dependence on walking aids to walking independently with minimal support.

Conquering TB Spondylodiscitis and Paraplegia.

Reshma Khan, a 22-year-old resident of Kandivali, arrived at VN Desai Hospital in a dire condition. Neglected D11-L1 TB spondylodiscitis had left her with severe cord compression, rendering her paralyzed from the waist down for a month. Her struggle extended to compromised bladder and bowel functions, making her unable to control them. MRI results confirmed the diagnosis: tuberculosis of the spine with severe spinal cord compression.

In a rare and life-changing surgical procedure, Reshma underwent spine decompression and Hartshill fixation at the hospital. Just ten days post-surgery, she achieved the remarkable feat of walking independently with minimal support.

Reshma Khan’s triumphant battle against TB spondylodiscitis and paraplegia, from paralysis to mobility, stands as a testament to the power of medical intervention and determination

Want to learn more about how our health services have transformed lives like Reshma, Neeraj and many more. Explore our comprehensive health services to discover how we provide exceptional care and support to individuals facing challenging medical conditions.

In the heart of Uttar Pradesh, a young soul named Rushada Khatoon, faced a life-altering challenge. Paraplegic and robbed of the use of her lower limbs, she could no longer stand on her own.

Her world was enveloped in darkness and the future seemed daunting for this young soul.
But within the walls of VN Desai Hospital, a beacon of hope illuminated her path – the compassionate doctors of The Spine Foundation. They were unwavering in their refusal to accept a fate of immobility for Rushada. What followed was nothing short of a medical marvel – a complex and challenging operation that marked the first step in Rushada’s incredible journey.

It was a journey marked by determination, resilience and an unyielding spirit. The goal was clear – to reclaim her mobility and with it, her life. She’s not just another little girl; she’s back to playing with her friends, running, jumping, and laughing with the joy of youth.Her story is a living testament to the mission of The Spine Foundation – to bring light to the lives of those who have faced the darkest of days.

At The Spine Foundation, we are committed to stories like Rushada’s—stories of transformation, resilience, and the triumph of compassion over adversity. We don’t stop at treatment; we are passionate advocate for spinal health. Our story is not ours alone; it’s a shared narrative. Together, we’ve mended bodies and souls, reminding us all that within each of us lies the power to heal and inspire.

More Success Stories

These success stories are a testament to the positive changes that are possible through our collective effort. As we celebrate these stories of transformation, we invite you to be a part of our mission. Your support, whether through donations, volunteering, or sharing your own story, can help us create more success stories in the future. Together, we can continue to inspire change, resilience, and empowerment within our community and beyond.